Hoya dodecatheiflora Fosberg 1940

Type description:

In Lloydia 3 (1940) 118-119.  Fosberg.  42. Hoya dodecatheiflora Fosberg, sp. nov. Scandens; folia elliptico‑lanceolata, crassa, inaequalia, maxime 8 cm.  longa,. umbella axillaris, multiflora, pedicellis gracilibus, 1 cm. longis; flores 5 mm. longi; calyx minutus; corolla reflexa, valde lobata., intus pubescens, squamis coronae lanceolatis, erectis, sulcatis, 3 mm. longis; pollinia 0.5 mm. longa; carpella 1.2 mm. longa.
Slender vine, glabrous (except corolla), rooting at nodes, internodes 3.5-6.S cm. long; leaves opposite, elliptic‑lanceolate, apex acute to acuminate, base acute, or smaller leaves obtuse, blade fleshy, unequal in size, even at same node, up to 8 cm. long and 2 cm. wide,  secondary veins obscure, margins slightly resolute, petiole fleshy, up to 9 cm. long; peduncle axillary, one at a node, up to 9 cm. long, the lower 4‑5 mm. fused with petiole of leaf, ending in a simple or bifid or  fleshy pulvinus, this being the center of a many‑flowered umbel of small flowers, pedicels slender, about 1 cm. long; calyx divided almost to base, lobes unequal, ovate or triangular, 0.7 mm long, apex blunt; corolla strongly reflexed, divided more than two thirds to base, lobes sharply triangular slightly acuminate, 2.5 mm. long, tube 1 mm. long, corolla glabrous outside; lobes strongly pubescent inside, tube puberulent inside; corona scales lanceolate, erect, apices prolonged, connivent, bases broader, rounded, deeply notched, surface shining but striate, longitudinally sulcate with two deep folds in the dower portion leading to notch at base, three sharp ridges above, the whole 3 mm. long, pollinia 0.5 mm. long, pale yellow, waxy, the connecting portion dark brown, anthers fused with stigma, carpels 1.2 mm. long, free except the stigmas; whole flower from tip of corona scales and anthers to tips of reflexed corolla lobes about 5 mm. long; fault unknown.
Santa Crux Islands, Vanikoro, Tevia Bay, on trees, Bray 6, 1933, Stewart (type).

            The flowers of this species resemble superficially those of certain Solanum species, or even more so those of the primulaceous genus Dodecatheon, hence the name. Not closely related to any species that I have seen.

Translation: Climbing, leaves elliptic-lanceolate, thick, unequal, up to 8 cm. long, umbels axillary, many flowered, pedicles slender, 1 cm. long; flowers 5 mm. long; calyx minute; corolla reflexed, deeply lobed, inside pubescent, scales of the corona lanceolate, erect, grooved, 3 mm. long; pollinia 0.5 mm. long; carpels 1.2 mm. long.


Hoya dodecatheiflora Fosberg Holotype # Stewart  (BISH)